Feedback Reports
The TALENTx7 Assessment generates the following three reports: (a) Individual Feedback Report, (b) Professional Coach’s Report, and (c) Organizational Report. The Individual Feedback Report, as well as the Professional Coach’s Report, is given directly to a coach certified on the TALENTx7 Assessment. The coach, in turn, sends the Individual Feedback Report to the learner for the feedback session. In addition, an Organizational Report listing all the individuals and their corresponding learning agility scores is provided to the designated talent management professional in the company who is coordinating administration of the assessment. For all three reports, the scores are converted into percentiles.
Easy to interpret scores are provided for Overall Learning Agility and for each of the seven facets of learning agility. Positive behaviors and potential derailers are identified for each facet. “Moving the needle” takes on a whole new meaning with regard to leadership development.

Ready To Take Your Assessment?
Take the TALENTx7 Assessment and obtain your three reports now!
Unique Features of the TALENTx7 Assessment
The inclusion of a facet on “self-insight” is very beneficial. In addition to being a vital component of the learning agility construct, a learner’s “self-insight” score provides the coach valuable information about how aware he or she is with regard to their learning agility scores in general. When the score on “self-insight” is substantially to the left of zero, it suggests the individual likely will be quite surprised by the results of the assessment. In contrast, an individual who has a score to the right of zero likely is more knowledgeable about himself or herself.
Another advantage of the TALENTx7 Assessment is its methodology for identifying respondents who may have deliberately attempted to alter their learning agility scores. Four psychometric scales are embedded in the assessment, and an easy-to-read Overall Accuracy Index provides the degree of confidence one can have in the veracity of the scores. In addition, the level of social desirability of an individual’s responses is adjusted for in the learning agility scores. Hence, differences in the magnitude of learning agility across learners are due to the individual rather than an artifact of the assessment.
For more information, read “Using Science to Identify Future Leaders: Part III – The TALENTx7 Assessment of Learning Agility.”